During an ALTARED SPACE in-person private healing session, Aimee uses Reiki, crystals, oils, sound bowls and a gong to help remove energetic blocks within the mind, body and spirit creating an ‘ALTARED SPACE’ of wellness and harmony within and throughout your life.

Reiki is a healing modality where Universal Life Force Energy is shared through hands-on treatment. Each crystal has a unique healing property. Laying them along your spine amplifies the unlocking of your chakras (energetic centers). In combination with Reiki, they will enhance your ability to reach your healthiest, highest self with crystal clarity.  Essential oils and vibrations of the gong and sound bowls will also aid in energizing you, your intentions and your release.

Prior to receiving an ALTARED SPACE healing treatment, Aimee will guide you through a breath meditation to awaken your chakras and set intentions. During the session, Ascended Masters and Spirit Animals will be invoked to provide guidance and protection. She will also incorporate Sacred Geometry Reiki to heal on a deeper molecular level. Vocalizations, movement and breath are encouraged to release emotions and energies held within the body that are surfacing ready to make their way out. The session will end with a gong bath to cleanse and purify any remnants of energies that no longer serve you and amplify your intentions.

A special crystal used during the 90 minute healing will be gifted to encourage manifesting your intentions thereby promoting your new ALTARED SPACE within.

60 minutes: $150 | 90 minutes: $200 | Currently, sessions are only available online via Zoom.

CONNECT with Aimee for inquiries. Visit EVENTS for her next group ALTARED SPACE Healing.